Friday, October 3, 2008

Matthew vs London's tooth

On Wednesday London collided with Matthew at soccer practice. As a result, the entire team was looking for her tooth in the over grown grass..... can't think of a better way to lose the first tooth. Good old co-ed soccer !!

The tooth fairy dropped a $5 bill under London's Pillow along with new shades...lucky girl! I'm pretty sure the t-fairy scrounged up loose change under my parents couch for me when I lost my first tooth.... MBN

Having London loose her first tooth was actually harder on me than sending her off to her first day of kindergarten. She's growing up way too fast...and now she looks so old with that gap! We love you birdie!!!


The Cardenas Clan said...

Hey Kristi! Your kids are so freaking adorable!!! I love the vintage pics, how do you do that?